Creato da Lilith_83 il 27/10/2008


I miei pensieri e le mie parole per condividere il mio mondo


« Nostalgia..Troppo tempo... »


Post n°124 pubblicato il 12 Maggio 2011 da Lilith_83

I‘m running on the slopes of a verdant hill .. the sun is peeping out .. begins a new day .. The air caresses my skin and the moon is only the ghost of herself .. I feel free .. free at last .. I can run and not feel tired .. I can quench thirst with water from the river nearby and I can sing in the wind like the birds that greet the sunrise .. Dewdrops wet my hair which free dance at the mercy of the wind .. I am pure energy .. I am the earth beneath my feet, I am the water that flows and touches every coast .. I am the fire burning in the veins of those who feel the passion alive .. I am the air and as it is.. I’m fickle, impetuous and sweet!


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