Creato da fernandez1983 il 03/02/2006
..del vecchio pazzo..

Giovanni Falcone

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Alessandro Marcianò


Membro Coordinamento Cittadino Italia dei Valori Reggio Calabria, Delegato Italia dei Valori Congresso Nazionale, Membro della Presidenza del Forum del Quartiere di Gallico, inviato giornalistico e radiofonico, addetto stampa APD Gallicese, studente in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni presso l'Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, candidato all'Assemblea Costituente Nazionale alle Primarie 2007 del Partito Democratico con I Democratici per LETTA.






Questa è la Madonna delle Grazie,venerata da sempre dal popolo gallicese..


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« Credetemi, un figlio dow...Berlusconi resta in sile... »

Berlusconi e Gheddafi. I morti. E la guerra.

Baciamano tra Berlusconi e Gheddafi

Berlusconi e Gheddafi


Oggi non prenderemo caffè. 

Quando il silenzio fa rumore: fa rumore il silenzio del Premier di pochi, quello che continua ad essere indifferente davanti certi episodi. Volevo vedere lui, e chi difende il suo silenzio, davanti roba come questa

Bossoli dei colpi sparati a Tripoli mostrati da Al Jazeera

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Utente non iscritto alla Community di Libero
Anthony Ceresa il 23/02/11 alle 10:04 via WEB
E' sbagliato credere che le rivoluzioni nascono dal popolo, il popolo le fa ma vengono organizzate da un potere parallelo sempre per ragioni di interesse. SCANDALS BECOME A TRADITIONAL PART OF OUR EXISTANCE. Try to work out a bet on the following world primates I bet 1 Pound the world is not going much further if we do not change abstract beliefs 63 millions abandoned children The world continuously in turmoil Two third of the world reduced to hanger Injustices are settled with prayers Speculation and wars as a traditional mean to accrue partial interests Italy, the world capital of Christianity drive the world to despair Christian philosophies did not convinced the world, following over two millennium of abstract teachings to found the Church World Empire. WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Speculator, Unfaithful, Repressed, Hypocrite, there are so many real stories that circulate the world round and pose many doubts on the Christian Creed, apparently studied and revised to control, speculate and frighten human beings, infusing fear of the underworld or hell, in addition to National Governments money bloodsuckers. I would not discuss the physiological aspects of the man that wear the religious habit, restricted on the sexual natural behave and consequently forced to explode taking advantage of innocents, our own children used by sexual ill maniacs that firstly obtain our trust and then abuse of innocents. The main question that need to be cleared and has not been resolved for over two thousand years, requires a scientific discussion on the doubts raised around the figure of Jesus, which comes in the world to save the human kind and to open the door of Heaven, following the original sin consumed in Paradise many million year ago by primitive troglodytes next to animals, named Adam and Eve, created to God image <as sustained by the Church> and have no resemblances with actual human beings. The next important question consists of Jesus as the unique Son of the Mighty Lord, which according to the Holy Story, honored with His presence the land and people of Palestine for almost 33 years, giving proof of spectacular Divine miracles which have not been sufficient to convince and convert the Israelite people that maintained their own belief waiting their own Messiah. Since I born, the Christian Church grab me forcing to receive the Baptism, then, by growing up I had to follow the brain storming classes to learn the fundamental principles of Jesus Christ, modified and arranged to personal interests by the Church, for what in the time becomes the practical best method that for over two thousand years, guided to establish the world Monarchical Empire, taking advantage of innocent, the blood of Martyrs, as well as all suffering people, to grow up richer and stronger. No armaments or veiled threats, only significant words chosen to shake the human thought and conscience: <Peace and love, brotherhood and understanding, help the poor and unprotected people, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, never do to other what you do not like to be done to yourself>, and many more pleasant catchwords, giving the impression to drive the human world hand by hand towards a fraternal rectitude. Not many people knows that all above saying, was already on the air few thousand years before the Christian event, exactly at the time of primitives beliefs, and much later become the standard bearer for the Christian Philosophy, centered on the figure of one God, replacing the polytheism of the past that had a representative Divinity for every function, with Jupiter the King of Gods and then, Apollo, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, Vulcan, Bacchus, Cupid, Pluto, Saturn, Juno, Ceres, Diana, Minerva, Venus, Vesta, and many more, all gone in temporary vacation marking the beginning of a new epoch. It appears that world human beliefs change from era to era, according to the technological progress that guides for innovations. In the future epochs, most probably we will be convinced by new coming philosophies, guiding to greater respect for Nature, which takes care of all our human need and probably considered for divine recognitions. I wish you never investigate on the story of the Church of the past 2000 years, where from one side have improved man conscience toward poor and unprotected people, but in counterpart is responsible of heavy offences directed to human kind, to impose additional abstract philosophies to reach the actual power and richness of the Christian Church, heavily in conflict with Moslem, Hindu, Confucian and Buddhist Creed theories. In the beginning, Christian teachings: as revealed by Jesus and the Apostles, was based on justice toward men and humility toward God, preaching mercy, brotherhood and the love of God for all creatures. As the time passed and the Christian Church grow up, seeking to accrue its power imposing additional restriction to the basic doctrine, Christianity began to divides into various groups where the name of God was used prevailingly for economics prestige to dominate mankind thoughts. It is clear that Jesus teachings should have changed the world, meanwhile summing up the results of our world continuously on wars and crimes, with over two third of world population starving to dead in a Planet perfectly balanced with natural resources, another third submitted to disgusting speculations, exception made for the chosen few, we shall ask to the Christian Church: <who really benefits of teaching philosophies studied to keep humanity under the feet of the Power, Speculators and War instigators>? If you suffer for receiving an injustice, they teach you to pray. If you have an ill person at home, the cure is to pray. If you cannot feed your family, prayers shall fill up your dishes. If somebody slaps you, ask him for another one. If Institutions rob you what you have hard earned for, go and light a candle. With above considerations, it is clear the Christian Church remained at the age of the stone, using its power to repress the poor and needy people, giving support to unqualified people that have reached the Power and used to harm their own brothers. We all know how bad was the world of the past, but I also wish to underline that in two thousand years of glorious philosophical teaching, centering world human wealth in the hand of 300 people, confirms that something has not worked the right way, with consideration that actual human situation under social aspects, reflects exactly the origin of our world. The world is overfilled with auspices driving the masses of people always through the future, where powerful criminal and speculators that harm and robe entire Nations, are protected with the privileges of the judgment afterlife. Wiki Leaks gave only a short demonstration of criminal offences perpetrated by Governments against their own brothers, without any action of intervention from the Courts of Justice, the Church and the numerous World Organizations practically inefficient, paid to assist negatively the crimes committed by twisted heads which stands as Country tyrannical Leaders. There is no one country in the world where Governments are directed faithfully from qualified administrators that maintain an honest bridge of dialog between citizens and the respective authorities. Recently we have seen on TV the rebellions exploded in many suffering African Nations, submitted for years to respective Country Authority speculations, in particular: Sudan and Egypt, two rich countries with large number of poverty, where citizens request the only right to live with dignity and feed their own family, while the Totalitarian regime self named <Mubarak the Democratic> that Govern the Country for over 30 years, have subtracted to the people over 70 billion US Dollars for own wellbeing, as reported by media’s information. The above heavy expression of misgovernment, is not a singular case, also the President Ben Ali named the <despot of Tunisia>, democratic too, with over 30 years sitting on the head of the Regime, have subtracted country fortune and then run away to celebrate with his friends the success of many years continuing stealing. Europe, the old wise world, where many Nations of the European Union are in the same condition of the African Continent, with Democratic Totalitarian Regimes, and no one move a finger unless the situation explodes causing heavy damages and deaths. At this stage of the third millennium, do we can still talk about God and Creeds in a world heavily offended by partial human Justice in harmonic conspiracy with the Power and the blind support of the Church, where a poor man that steel an apple to feed his family is severely punished, meanwhile a human crossbreed that Govern a Country without the basic concepts of life, can steal a significant fortune and be free from legal persecution? It is clear that humanity does not require an International Organization of Nations named <ONU or EEC or the Christian Church> with many comfortable chairs and unmerited rewards, to protect Mafia Institutions and bad Justice around the world. For the sake to improve the social peace and balance world resources, it is imperative to create an International Organization of Citizens for the immediate respect of social justice and the inviolable respect of human rights, against the abuse of unqualified twisted heads to whom have been granted temporary Administrative Power. Abstract philosophies converging to spread social inequities with impositions, using negatively the name of God, in the long time are self-defeating. Jesus Christ our savior, born in Palestine from Arab mother <the Virgin Mary> married to a Jewish citizen <Joseph> which has been enlightened by the Grace of the Lord, to be the putative father of the Celestial Son Jesus. During his short life in Palestine, Jesus was honored and acclaimed for His teachings, conquering the spirit of the people, while converting the local society to follow a different way of living with respect and wisdom, inviting the followers to observe the Tables of Ten Commandments with devotion, rectitude and to live peacefully as requested by the Celestial Father. From the Holy narrative, Jesus have travelled a lot across the land of Palestine and then disappeared secretly, following the creation of a dozen of faithful supporters named Apostles, with the task to spread the verb of sincere rectitude, <to Procreate and live in peace, loving each other like brothers and sisters, enjoy the beauties and products offered free by mother nature, as a gift from the Lord>. Jesus never and ever has been arrested and neither crucified, no father or mother shall permit to harm his son, and the Mighty Lord would have destroyed the Earth if anybody had the intention to harm His Celestial Creature. The Crucifixion at that time was reserved exclusively to criminals and the crucifixion of Jesus apparently has been added to the narrative in a second time, to give more strength to the Power with the Paradise for good people and hell for the bad one. Great part of the cultured world is of the opinion that the Holy Story of Jesus has been written around the 400 to the 300 Before Christ, in the most interesting period of the Greek literature that churn out hundreds of novels, comedies and narratives of remarkable capabilities. The Christian Church have dominated the world for almost two Millennium, without gearing the expected social progress obtainable by guiding to the unification of all greater Creeds, failing to create jointly a World Order to save humanity from speculations, crimes and human rights denied. A Japanese top Tourist Agency asked me to describe the real situation of Italy in connection to the presence of the Christian Church and the role of the Vatican in the Country. Well, according to the Italian Economics Minister, the country has not been touched by the International Crisis, of course the Minister has disguised the truth, meanwhile statistics reveals the close down of many Industries, trade activities as well as the discouragement of the artisan class, with a considerable increase of jobless. The Italian Official Public Debt have surpassed by large the PIL (Internal Gross Product) standing to 1843, 4 billions Euro for the year 2010, <by the National Italian Bank> with consideration that above figure are only partial because the debts contracted by Regions, Provinces and Commons or Municipalities are twice as much Government debts. Following Official Statistics within reach of any one by Internet, there is no need to add that the Economical situation in Italy is very critical, meanwhile Country Authorities still eat and sleep long dreams without prejudices, inviting the masses beyond all belief to sleep with the good auspices of an imminent resumption of the Italian Economy. They probably expect miracles from outer space. In the country: Political, Industrial and Economic reality are degenerating every day more, with continuous Political Parties divergences that have induced the Country in a sort of perpetual deadlock. Workers complaint about the rising costs of life which are not comparable with wages, where only the costs of rent of the apartment, absorb the entire family income of one worker. There are projects for innovative residential constructions at lower costs, stand down. There are projects for exploiting new natural resources to generate electric power at lower costs, stand down. There are projects for the construction of electric cars away from pollution, at lower costs, stand down. There are many other projects generating work and employments, but the country is trapped in a sort of vice grip that hold progress, caused by Political incompetency. Stand down. The Italian main Country problem rely on the excessive cost of the Politic, with so many Presidents over aged and reworded over the capabilities, destroying country limited resources, wasting tax payers money with 570.000 Bleu Cars for public servant and other benefits that reduce drastically the working hours and efficiency of the Italian Political crème, compared with Germany or France, with a reduced number of public servant and only 55.000 Bleu Cars. Nearly all country monuments are collapsing and the Government welcomes local and oversea Charity Organizations, to restore any artistic work that need high costs intervention at their own expenses. A local Italian Industrialist that produces shoes in China, have devolved 25 million Euro to restore the Coliseum in the city of Rome. Considered a slap to the poor families that cannot feed their children because of the high cost of apartments rent in addition of the high cost of life. With regard to the Christian Church, they have all hands and feet smeared in any possible business with appreciable return, in addition to the traditional income obtained from bequests and charities, received from all over the world, with a substantial benefit also for the Italian Government, consequent to the few million tourists visiting annually the Vatican to receive the blessing from God representative on Earth. To enter more deeply on the narrative, hold yourself tide on the chair and read the following: In the year 1976 I received from the Region of Lombardy (Italy) an apartment to live with the family at the condition of redeem (redemption of the mortgage over the time). In almost 35 years I have paid over ten times the original cost of the apartment, with bills progressively over charged for services never received, that I/we had to pay under the threats of eviction order forcing to quit the apartment. After 30 years, the Region of Lombardy with Milano the head city, ordered that all blocks of apartment subject to redeem condition and over paid by the occupants, to be seized by the Region with the aims to be sell again at actual prices. The case have been reported to the European Commission and reverted by office to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg France, where is standing in the Court for over three and half years, without advancing for judgment. Meantime the administration of the apartment continue to request arrears justified as omitted rent, that we cannot pay because of the large amount of money requested, considering that we are all restricted for limited pension income, but the administration defying any and all legal actions, forced to sign additional monthly date bill up to the age of 90 years, over the regular monthly bills, and then, the apartment remains the property of the Region. This is not a single case but involves over few hundred families in the same condition, aiming to collect additional billion Euros using speculative mafia methods. About the happening we have informed the President of the Region, the President of the Italian Republic, the President of the Government, the President of the Parliament, the representatives of God on Earth (the Christian Church), but no one reply. Here comes the reason. The Region of Lombardy is governed by a Political Party named <COMUNIONE E LIBERAZIONE> which is a Party of the Christian Church, that in the name of the Christian God, stands as the real owner of all human beings and all its belonging on the Earth, including our women and children for they own abuses. Finally I contacted Bin Laden, named the human monster that decided to straight up our corrupted world, asking to intervene to pull a thorn out of my finger named the Christian Church that is the cause of all our world social disaster. To save our world, don’t be afraid to spread out the truth. Anthony Ceresa.
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